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Re: Thoughts regarding package installation

'Lars Wirzenius wrote:'
>Guy Maor:
>> Lars, perhaps --list-all and --set-all options should be added?
>> --set-all should take the format that --list-all generates.
>Done. I also added --create-all, which creates missing variables
>but leaves existing ones as they were, and --repository, which
>lets you set the location where the variables are stored. It'll
>take a day or so until the new version becomes available at
>This could be used something like this:
>	# install base and enough networking to get rsh on target
>	# machine; then:
>	rsh sourcehost cfgtool --list-all | cfgtool --create-all

This is wonderful.  I'm in ecstasy!

>If we work on base and netbase so that they ask the minimum number
>of questions, then this should work pretty well. I think most
>questions they ask are host-specific anyway: hostname, IP-number,
>and so on.
>I think we want to wait until after 1.2 is released before
>starting to experiment with this for real, but don't hesitate
>to suggest improvements to the cfgtool interface.

I'm not usre we need to wait so long.  Can't we start switching over

>I'm going to interpret the violent lack of negative feedback
>as silent approval that this is the right way to go. :-)

This /is/ the right way to go!

Christopher J. Fearnley            |    Linux/Internet Consulting
cjf@netaxs.com, cjf@onit.net       |    UNIX SIG Leader at PACS
http://www.netaxs.com/~cjf         |    (Philadelphia Area Computer Society)
ftp://ftp.netaxs.com/people/cjf    |    Design Science Revolutionary
"Dare to be Naive" -- Bucky Fuller |    Explorer in Universe

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