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Syslinux update expected

I talked with Peter Anvin and he seems to have a new release of syslinux
almost ready. I will release an update to syslinux (having been made the
maintainer of it...) as soon as it becomes available.

That should solve the booting from one disk. But it still leaves the issue
open of booting without any floppy. The problem is that the scripts
running from the root-floppy seem to demand that the kernel and the
modules are available from another floppydisk. Somehow the kernel+modules
must be on the rootdisk for a floppyless install to work.

Also the root-floppy (perhaps better call it compressed installation root)
should include code to load the base system from somewhere.

There seems to be something there already. Does anyone know details about
what the boot-floppies exactly implement?

Bruce is the maintainer of the package so it might be good to know how the
package will fare in the future. I am already into so many packages and
would really like to see someone else take up that one.

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