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Re: New package standards - LAST CALL

In message <[🔎] m0up1QD-0004OEC@chiark.chu.cam.ac.uk>, Ian Jackson writes:
>Therefore I propose that unless someone raises a serious problem or
>issue within the next week or two the new packaging guidelines as
>described in the draft dpkg programmers' manual, the draft Debian
>policy manual and as implemented by dpkg 1.3.x, will become official.

I hate to even ask this, since if we want to make this change for the
next release, but can we have just a bit more time?

I have been singularly busy of late, and have only recently gotten to
the point of being able to read the new docs you put up, and while
everything seems sensible "on paper", I worry that it we don't have
people actually try it out, there's going to be some unexpected

> * Automation of the generation of .changes files from information in
>   a parseable changelog and elsewhere.

I have installed the changelog macros, and find they work well.

Finally, though you say the documents are just cut-n-paste from other
stuff, they seem to do a better job of documenting some of the
"conventions" that we've adopted over the last several months, WRT
shared libraryies and the rest.

And if you're creating them from your linuxdoc-sgml hack, I'm quite
interested that you make it available for others use.  It seems much
cleaner than the original.  Or maybe that's just a function of a
better conversion tool.

"Don't let me make you unhappy by failing to be contrary enough...."

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