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New bugs system open (old Pixar aliases broken)

On second thoughts, it seems to me that I might as well announce the
new bug system open for business, and not wait for the Pixar aliases
to work correctly.

So, please use the following addresses instead:

Send new bug reports to submit@bugs.debian.org.  If you need a copy
sent anywhere (other than to the package maintainer, who'll get one
automatically) use X-Debian-CC.  DO NOT USE CC.

Send followup information to <nnnn>@bugs.debian.org where <nnnn> is
the number of the bug report.  (You can also send it to submit@bugs
with `Bug#<nnnn>:' at the start of the Subject.)

To close a bug, send a description of why you're closing it to
<nnnn>-done@bugs.debian.org.  (Or to done@bugs, with `Bug#<nnnn>' at
the start of the Subject.)  Your message will be sent on to the person
reporting the bug (this is a change from the old behaviour).

To mark a bug as forwarded, send a message
 To: <upstream-maintainer>
 CC: <nnnn>-forwarded@bugs.debian.org
(or CC forwarded@bugs and make sure the Subject line is always

To have reports mailed to you, send the single word `help' in the body
of a message to request@bugs.debian.org.

To reopen, merge, &c reports, send `help' to control@bugs.debian.org.

To send mail to the submitter of a bug report, send to
<nnnn>-submitter (you won't get an ack for this).  (You can also use
just submitter@bugs, if you provide the bug number in the Subject.)

To send mail to just the maintainer of a particular package send to
maintonly@bugs (for a new report - make sure you include a correct
Package line) or <nnnn>-maintonly@bugs (for an existing report; or you
can use the old Subject keying mechanism.).

To have your messages filed in the bug system but not sent anywhere
send to quiet@bugs (for a new report) or <nnnn>-quiet (for a followup;
or you can use the old Subject keying mechanism.).

None of these messages will be processed (and you will not get any
acks) until the situation at Pixar is sorted out.  Your messages will
sit in a queue on master.

Queries and problem reports about the operation of the system should
be sent to owner@bugs.debian.org.  These go direct, rather than being
queued, so this will start to work right straight away.


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