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Bug#3143: sysvinit init.d/network script buglet

>>>>> "MvS" == Miquel van Smoorenburg <miquels@cistron.nl> writes:

MvS> By the way, there is nothing to be gained by routing the whole 127 net
MvS> over "lo"; it still only reacts to

My system, running either 1.3.64 or 1.99.8=pre2.0.8, responds to all
addresses in the 127 net as soon as I put in
	route add -net
I have tried both ping and finger on a random address in the loopback
net (not that I have any idea why I want to use an address besides - but then, there are lots of things I don't know :-) ).

   Dr. Lukas Nellen                 | Email: lukas@teorica0.ifisicacu.unam.mx
   Depto. de Fisica Teorica, IFUNAM |
   Apdo. Postal 20-364              | Tel.:  +52 5 622 5014 ext. 218
   01000 Mexico D.F., MEXICO        | Fax:   +52 5 622 5015

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