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Bug#3086: Bug in lrzsz.

Linux Bug Report from John F. Bunch (jfbunch@ingr.com)

Package:  lrzsz
Version:  0.12a-1

Hardware:  ASUS P/I-P55TP4N motherboard with 16550A UART's and EPP/ECP parallel
                port, 100 MHz Pentium CPU, 265 KB pipelined burst cache,
                16 MB EDO DRAM (32 MB swap partition).

Operating system:  Linux 1.2.13
    Distribution:  Debian 0.93 Release 6
        Compiler:  Software used as packaged.

Problem description:

     rb (YMODEM receive) fails to timeout and to send NAK's when first invoked.
According the YMODEM protocol manual (ymodem.doc):

    5.  YMODEM Batch File Transmission
    . . .
    As in the case of single a file transfer, the receiver initiates batch
    file transmission by sending a "C" character (for CRC-16).


    7.3.2  Receive_Program_Considerations
    The receiver has a 10-second timeout.  It sends a <nak> every time it
    times out.  The receiver's first timeout, which sends a <nak>, signals the
    transmitter to start.  Optionally, the receiver could send a <nak>
    immediately, in case the sender was ready.  This would save the initial 10
    second timeout.  However, the receiver MUST continue to timeout every 10
    seconds in case the sender wasn't ready.

Procedure to generate bug:

$ rb >rb.out 2>&1
(wait one minute to allow time for several timeouts, then bring up another
 window and kill the rb process)
$ emacs rb.out
The file contains only the following text (note the absence of NAK's):
rb waiting to receive.C

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