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Bug#3077: gray font .mf files missing from MFBIN

Packgage: mfbin
Version: 2.71-4

The files for the gray fonts and the gray font generator seem to be missing
from the mf binary distribution.  These files are necessary to set up for
smoke or proof mode font dvi generation through gftodvi e.g.

valour$ mf
This is METAFONT Version 2.71 (C version 6.1)
*\input cmr10


Output written to mfput.2602gf

valour$ gftodvi mfput.2602gf
gray.tfm: TFM file not found

I know that the gray font is DEVICE INDEPENDENT, which is why it is amusing
that gdtodvi produces DeVice Independent files, but the standard gray font
generator is readily customisable to produce a suitable font for ones printer,
if the required mf files are included in the distribution.

I had the web2c stuff on a CD-ROM and the files seem to work OK (as one would
expect of course).

Alan Bain

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