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I beggeth for a little help :)

As bruce had stated earlier we are being saturated as of now with nothing 
more than debian traffic. My performance is dropping trhough the floor 
network wise tring to keep up. Therefore I have set the current limit of 
ftp users to 100 and over and aboce that 30 mirror users.
I am in need of people to switch to mirrors as SOON as possible so that 
we can survive during the public beta...

I have prodded(SP?) mirror in hopes for it to catch up but MCI has been 
playing with router in chicago which have been affecting BOTH 
ftp.microworld.net and ftp.debian.org..   ftp.microworld.net will most 
likely be comming offline for upgrades over the next week but should be 
back immediately following.

Here is my current load
# /usr/local/sbin/ftpcount
Service class remote               -  92 users (100 maximum)
Service class mirror               -   0 users ( 30 maximum)

The first mirror users will be part of the remote group and once there is 
a limit overload then they will fall into the mirror catagory..

When I get back I _WILL_ be limiting the number of .au/.de/.se/.jp sites 
that use the machine simply because they are the ones using most of the 

Matthew S. Bailey
ftp.debian.org Admin.

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