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Philosophical purity...

Hi all

There's been a lot of talk about this song.  This song is
not a rebel song.  This song is...  apache filesystems,
bloody apache filesystems... ;-)

As I said in an earlier post,  I'm waiting for a higher
power,  namely FSSTND 1.3,  to give me guidance on the one
true way to lay out Apache.  However, the plot thickens.

Thawte Consulting have just released Sioux, a high-performance
secure web server for the international market.  It includes
a Python interpreter for superfast CGI, and a bunch other
stuff too.  Really rather neat.  I thought I might
bundle it up for Debian,  but....


We've cheated with all our other releases.  *Everything* goes
under /usr/local/sioux.  This is to keep our docs 100%
consistent across all supported platforms, and so we can
ship precisely the same management scripts across the board.

If I were to release a debian package of Sioux,  the advantage
would be 'even better plug-and-play Sioux'.  The disadvantage
would lie in the TON of mail I'm likely to receive about
the filesystem layout.

Another alternative is to forego the management scripts and
docs etc and have a plain Debian version,  but then

  - it's always going to be behind the times
  - you lose a lot of the value-added
  - I'm *still* going to get tons of mail about the filesystem

So,  as they say,  the ball is in your court ;-)

Speak,  people!


Mark Shuttleworth
Thawte Consulting cc.

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