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Re: Uploaded cnews-cr.g-1, inews-2.1, nntp-1.5.11t5

You (Otmar Lendl) wrote:
> Furthermore, a few words on the issue of the News setup:
> There is no detailed description in the fsstnd where all the usual
> components of the newsserver should live. Based on my reading I
> choose the following:
> 	Article spool:	/var/spool/news
> 	Overview spool:	/var/spool/news
> 	scripts&binaries: /usr/lib/news
> 	active/config/history: /var/lib/news
> (common old paths are: /usr/spool/news/,nil,/usr/lib/newsbin/,/usr/lib/news)
> Regrettably the choice must be in acordance with the setup of 
> newsreaders who read directly from the spool and other programs who
> access the news database (inews, nntpd, mail2news, slurp, ...)

Well. I am still working on INN (1.4unoff3 works, but has the hacks for
the 1.2 kernel and it seems that debian-1.1 is going to be based on
1.3.x and higher only, so I have to take 'em out again).

I'll put "my" inn1.4unoff3 on ftp.cistron.nl/pub/people/miquels/debian.
It's pretty big and we're on a (fscking expensive) 128k line so please
do not get it if you don't want a test version.

Article spool:   /var/spool/news
Incoming/Outgoing:  /var/spool/news{.incoming/.outgoing}
Overview spool:  /var/spool/news/over.view
                 (it is recommended NOT to put it in /var/spool/news !)
scripts:         /usr/lib/news
binaries:        /usr/lib/news/bin  (but this is the INN standard)
active,newsgroups,history: /var/lib/news
config:          /etc/news: control.ctl, crontab, distrib.paths, expire.ctl,
                            hosts.nntp, moderators, newsfeeds, nnrp.access,
                            nntpsend.ctl, organization, server, whoami,
                            inn.conf and some other stuff.
                 I think only moderators, organization, server and whoami can
                 be shared between packages.

> Other issues:
> 	username/groups: I used news.news as the owner.


> 	uucp config ? C news needs to determine queue sizes. For that
> 		it wants to know the uucp mode. I selected taylor native.

That's what most people use, I hope :)

> 	shared config with readers:
> 		the trn package uses /etc/news/mailname to detect which
> 		address local postings get. Should the cnews package
> 		install this file ?

It should ask for it if it is not present and take the default from /etc/mailname.
BTW, for as for as I know it is /etc/news/whoami.

> 	rnews path:
> 		Where does uucp expect the rnews command to live ?

/usr/bin/rnews, setgid news. incoming directory writable for group news.

> 	crontabs:
> 		should the postinst install crontab entries ? (yes)

Yes, and the master should live in /etc/news/crontab.

> 	packagename/dependencies/conflicts/provides:
> 		I did not see a clear scheme on how the dependencies
> 		for inews/inn/cnews/inninews/newsreader should work out.
> 		So I improvised. Could we get an agreement on this issue ?

I have this in the control file for INN:
Depends: libc5, cron, smail | sendmail | mail-transfer-agent
Conflicts: inewsinn, cnews

> 	Default configuration:
> 		I refused to try to make a smart config script for cnews.
> 		It's too complex. Any takers ?

[Everybody desperately trying to look the other way now]..

> 	Can we have scripts like the init.d-install script for
> 		crontabs and inetd.conf, too ? It's a hassle to write
> 		such things in each package who uses them.

Crontab isn't too hard; crontab -u news /etc/news/crontab is sufficient..

> I'd very much appreciate feedback as I probably have made stupid mistakes.

I haven't checked it out yet but I really hope you didn't put the
config files in /usr/lib/news or /var/lib/news. They should be in

Anyone who _does_ get the INN package, let me know what you think.
I thought INN was finished, but now I want to switch to inn1.4unoff4
(finally out) with a 1.3.x kernel, so I'll have to build a new
package. I will not upload 1.4unoff3 to master.debian.org...

  Miquel van    | Cistron Internet Services   --    Alphen aan den Rijn.
  Smoorenburg,  | mailto:info@cistron.nl          http://www.cistron.nl/
miquels@het.net | Tel: +31-172-419445 (Voice) 430979 (Fax) 442580 (Data)

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