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boot floppies status

I rewrote dinstall and dsetup-lilo today but not dsetup-{modules,net,kbd,tz}
yet. Ian's old installation instructions no longer apply, and I'm going to
have to write new ones. Anyway, the old ones had an odd FSF copyright (not
the GPL). I hope to upload it tomorrow after testing a bit more.

	All user input goes through dialog.
	Fully supports no-RAMdisk install for memory-limited systems.
	Always gives a choice of floppy drive, and in the case of a root
	 mounted without the ramdisk, doesn't present the root floppy drive
	 as a choice.
	Smarter menus for selecting devices, etc.
	Doesn't get you stuck in a loop if you can't read a floppy.
	Addresses various long-standing complaints.

This version is not internationalized, and does not use the
auto-configuration of the keyboard, modules, and net that Siggy
prototyped a while back. We'll get to that eventually.



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