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Re: Package authentication proposal

Ian Jackson writes:
> *chuckle*.  The real problem is that an XT would end up running DOS or
> something similar, and this would (a) make us dependent on a non-free
> operating system for our internal management, which is somewhat
> unsound philosophically, but more importantly it would (b) make it
> much harder to write the code that would have to run on the secure
> box.

Well, I have heard of something called FreeDos.  I don't know any details,
yet.  Been meaning to check it out wrt the XT's.  And after the OS, there's
plenty of free stuff.

Hmm..  wonder how the ELKS project is going ;)

Carl Streeter                   |  "Etiquette-wise, there is no proper time 
streeter@cae.wisc.edu           |    to use the phrase 'It sucks.'" --Dogbert
Just another Perl hacker        |  "I'm a heartless bastard." --Linus Torvalds
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