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Re: netpbm vs. pbmplus

> tar cfz slack-pack.tar.gz 'debfiles <package>'

(presumably you mean ` not ', backticks not apostrophes) 
In any case, much safer would be:
	debfiles <package> | tar -T- -cfz slack-pack.tar.gz 
which avoids the reparsing of the output of debfiles (-T is the same
as --files-from=) and avoids the command line length limit.

However, even simpler would be to wait until tar 1.12 comes out,
when you can simply do
	dpkg -L package | tar -T- --no-recurse -cfz foo.tar.gz
but --no-recurse is new in 1.11.9-pretest. (--no-recurse is there
because it is useful with find as well.)

(Even without --no-recurse, it might be simpler to use something like
	awk '{ if(match($0,last) == 0) { print last }; last=$0 }' 
as a filter on the dpkg -L output -- except that using the output of
dpkg -L dpkg as an example, I note that it will include directories
that are created empty, such as /var/lib/dpkg/info, which aren't now
empty, but this may be a feature.)
					_Mark_ <eichin@cygnus.com>
					Cygnus Support, Eastern USA

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