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Re: Unanswered problem reports by maintainer

> The US debian-bugs mirror seems to be fairing worse than normal...

What?!  A bug in the bug reporting system?  A bug in a bug.  :-)

Still beats M$ bug reporting system.  When they do not charge you to
take the bug report ($150/hour, Visa/MC, in advance, please), they still
respond just as slow.

[  This is NOT to bash M$.  Theirs is a fine and noble corporation. 
While Novell owned Unix, they did even worse.  You could not even pay
for such service! ]

We are doing fine Ladies and Gentlemen!

Happy New Year!


P.S.  Please ignore the below address and flame shimon@teleport.com.
      He receives and answers mail :-)

Simon Shapiro                                   Bullet Technologies, Inc.
shimon@Bullet-Tech.com                          13130 SW Haystack St.
(503) 524-6631                                  Beaverton, OR 97005

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