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Re: Parsing package filenames (was: Re: New ftp method for dselect)

Brian White:
   (the above is csh code...  sorry!)

I've not been following this discussion very closely, but here's a
fairly literal translation of Brian's speedup to sh:

for FILE in `sed -e 's/\(.*\)-\([^-]*\)-\([^.-]*\)\.\([^-]*\)$/\1/\2/\3/\4/'`
do (
	set `echo $FILE|tr / ' '`
	if [ $# = 4 ]
		nam=$1 ver=$2 rev=$3 ext=$4
		# do processing here
		# ...

		echo Error: bad file `echo $FILE|tr / -`
) done

Note that I've decided to use a slash as a delimiter to allow for the
odd-ball case of a package which has a comma in its name.  If / is a
bad idea, the regexp should also be changed to have an optional
directory prefix.


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