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Poll: Python wishlist

Since Guido van Rossum released Python 1.3 on Oct 12 and I am
successfully running locally installed a.out and elf versions.

Before putting together Debian binary packages, I'd like to hear from
those of you who are using the language, which extension modules you
want to be compiled into the a.out version of the interpreter.

With ELF becoming the standard executable format, I don't want to go
through the hassles of supporting loadable modules for a.out.

Python's Tkinter module supporting Tk 4.0, we'll have to wait until
the tk/tcl packages get up to pace. Provided Tk doesn't need to be
built in a full X11 source tree, I might try to put together
experimental ELF tk and tcl packages, I'm tight on disk space :(.

These are the binary packages I'm planning to build (from a single
source tree):

	The a.out version of the interpreter with IMHO essential
	packages compiled in, YMMV.
	The ELF version of the interpreter makes use of dynamic
	loading, everything that comes with the upstream distribution
	will be enabled.
	*.pyc library files, python-lib.info and examples shared by
	a.out and ELF interpreters.
	Tutorial, Reference manual, Library reference and Extension
	manual ready for printing on A4 paper
	Tutorial, Reference manual, Library reference and Extension
	manual ready for printing on US letter paper

Your comments, suggestions, flames etc. are welcome


email: bsb@uni-muenster.de              //          programmer for hire
                                       // Opinions are strictly my own,
voice: +49-251-864978                  \\      everything else is GPLed
Mime(RFC1521) encoded messages welcome  \\          http://coming.soon/

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