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Re: Majordomo package

Bill Mitchell writes:
>Richard Kettlewell <richard@elmail.co.uk>

>> Majordomo requires its own user and group (typically `majordom'.)
>> [...] it would seem sensible to come up
>> with a policy which results on their being the same on all Debian
>> systems.  (They don't have to be present everywhere, just reserved for
>> Majordomo.)
>Why?  What's the benefit vs. using whatever adduser assigns?

It reduces complexity.  `Virgin' Majordomo assumes it knows its uids
at a numeric level - these get compiled in.  Adding code to look them
up is trivial, and indeed I've already done it; but this seems to me
to be overengineering the problem of porting Majordomo to Debian.

Having a fixed uid and gid keeps things *simple*.  It means we don't
even have to think about possible problems with these ids being
different on different machines - we can just be 100% certain they
don't apply to us.

One could ask Bill's question about the uucp user and group, yet many
systems may never use it.  I think the same arguments apply either

Richard Kettlewell                 <URL:http://www.elmail.co.uk/staff/richard/>
Home+work: <richard@elmail.co.uk>
Home only: <richard@sfere.elmail.co.uk>

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