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The new LILO not working?

Hi All...

I remember seeing the new version of LILO coming out and it was marked that
it had to be with ELF etc etc.  I also noticed the "mbr" pacakge in the base
area for 1.0 - having an ELF system her I just upgraded to the latest of
everything, so effectively saying that all the relivent packages I need I've
installed the latest of.  Having said that:

I had a power failure about an hour ago.  The machine hung at the bootup with
"LI" so it had to be a problem with lilo.  Thank my lucky stars I have another
machine here with normal a.out that is a mirror of ftp.debian.org (1.0 as well)
otherwise I don't know what I'd do.  Ok, got the newest bootdisk from the
development tree onto a disk, booted it fine, I then wanted to mount via NFS
my hard drive on the other machine containg the mirror - to my SHOCK there
was *NO* NFS support in the kernel.  Ok, so I ftp'd the package (the old lilo
from the stable tree) de-installed "mbr" and then installed the lilo package
on top of the new one.  I then was able to reboot fine after saying Yes to
add a boot block.

I'm not sure if I was actually doing anything wrong, but I did have the latest
of everything installed and it broke on the reoobt as I said above (hence this
email)  Don't get me wrong, I upgraded Debian from an install of .93R5, and
when I tried to use both the custom bootdisk and normal bootdisk, I wasnt able
to mount any filesystems which was rather annoying (probobly because of the
newer versions of fsck etc) but if I didnt have my other computer here I
would've surely been doomed to all eternity and might've had to re-install
R5 over the top.

I wondered why NFS support wasnt in the bootdisk (is it meant to be?) otherwise
how are we to install over nfs?  Also might be handy to compile iso9660 for
some CDROMS that have debian on the for a cdrom install perhaps.  In any case
is anyone else seeing the problem with the new lilo/mbr packages from
the development trre under base that I've just got?

Karl Ferguson <karl@tower.com.au>              
Network Supervisor - Tower Internet Services. 
                                                | Internet Providers and | 
Tel: +61-9-316-3036  Fax: +61-9-381-3909        |  Networking Solutions  |

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