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Re: Very weird stuff on ftp.debian.org

On Fri, 29 Sep 1995, Ian Jackson wrote:

> Hmm.  Unfortunately I'm trying to use rcp, which doesn't seem to be
> able to cope.
> I suppose that taking the machine down to fix the underlying fs is
> probably not advisable.
Give your cron a shot again, Ian.  I had to fix a few things and hope 
everything else is also fixed as result..(fingers crossed:)) From what I 
can tell, I see no problems.  I tried an rsh from a remote site 
and was able to get through no problem but have not had a chance to try 
an rcp from remote. I would think it "should" work but that was "should"..:)

> Also, the /debian.org directory (rather than the mountpoint) ought not
> to be world-writeable, really ...
That was a temp. test to see if that would fix things but didn't change a 
thing so it has already been changed.  Right now I have it set with world 
read and execute and no_write.

> PS: re the tarring and/or gzipping of the whole archive: can you not
> disable .tar.gz without disabling plain .tar (the latter is quite an
> efficient way to do things if you really want the whole archive) ?

Having the .tar.gz option was thought of as a way that we can provide 
people that don't already have gzip to retreive a tar.gz as a .tar file 
instead.  Running a virtual ftp server as ours is means that no longer 
does ftp use the gzip found in ftp/bin, but the system level gzip.  
Personally I don't really want to live without gzip on the system level. :)

As we are running a virtual ftp server removing just gzip would 
mean that the system level gzip program would have to be removed.  Going 
virtual means that no longer does ftp just execute gzip from the ftp/bin 
directory but the real system level gzip.


David Brinks - Assist Sys Admin.   brinks@cps.cmich.edu                   
422 Pearce Hall                    Mail maintainer of:  archive, ftpadmin 
Computer Science Department           www, and sometimes other accounts   
Central Michigan University           used for admin purposes.            
---All opinions, and possibly some of the facts, are strictly of my own.----

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