Bug#1139: Acknowledgement (was: samba dosn't print)
I have good news and bad news...
first the good news:
I have found the cause of the printing problem.... the file
"/usr/bin/smbrun" needs to be moved to /usr/sbin/smbrun to correct the
Now the bad news:
In finding this problem, i've screwed around with stuff a lot,
and have now broken my printing. I attempted to dpkg -r samba, then
re-install the package..... but it somehow seems to remember what i
screwed around with
(for example, it did not replace /etc/smb.conf, even if it would erase it)
So while i have found the problem, i now have a unworking system. (if i
was to format the hard drive and start from scratch, i could get it to
work, because i now know the solution to the distribution problem....
just put a link from /usr/sbin/smbrun to /usr/bin/smbrun.... however i am
hoping for a cleaner solution (like just re-installing the package))
Corey Sweeney
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