Re: investigation of SYSLINUX booting problems
Bill Mitchell writes:
>> Also, SYSLINUX uses an msdos
>> diskette, so users can change the kernel image on the diskette before
>> they even install Linux. With LILO, this is not possible.
>But LILO diskettes can have several alternate (yes, "alternate"; in
>the sense of "substitute") kernal images. Perhaps three might fit
>on a single boot diskette, with a boot-time message explaining how to
>choose between them.
Is this a troll?
My dictionary[1] lists a number of meanings for ``alternate'' as an
adjective. Only one of them - which is specifically marked as ``US''
- has anything to do with substitutes:
9. U.S. a person who substitutes for another; stand-in
That's quite different from ``alternative'' which (again in my
dictionary) doesn't imply substitution but choice. And in this case,
choice, rather than substitution, is what's going on.
[1] Collins Concise
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