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Re: Problemas con dpkg-shlibs

Y el lunes 26 de noviembre, Swat escribió:
> PD.- Otra cosilla, al pasarle el Litian al .deb, me salta el error de que no 
> he includo ninguna pagina man... como crearia una pagina man de pega? (es 
> decir, como evitar esto, si no va a haber ninguna pagina man) Thk por todo..
Puedes usar la utilidad de documentación de perl (perldoc) para escribir
la pagina de manual. Primero escribes un fichero que contenga algo así:
--------------- cut --------------------
=head1 NAME

glade - User interface builder for the GTK+ toolkit and GNOME.


  glade [OPTION...]


Glade is an application for creating graphical user interfaces that use the
Gtk+ and GNOME libraries.  Glade allows you to rapidly develope these
interfaces, and can create source code in a variety of languages that will
construct the interfaces for you. Glade can also be used in conjunction with
libglade to dynamically create user interfaces from the XML description file
that Glade creates.

Glade is composed of several windows which each server a particular purpose.
The main window contains the menu, toolbar and a list of top-level windows.
The palette lists the various UI objects which you can use to bulid an
inteface. The property editor lets you manipulate the properties of widgets,
such as their size, color, signal masks, etc.

Typically a Glade project begins with the construction of the user interface.
Using the palette, you composite and insert widgets until you arrive at the
desired interface. While doing this you usually use the property editor to
manipulate the various packing settings, dimensions, etc., of the widgets.

When the interface is finished, you then usually save the project and build
the C source files that will be used to generate the user interface.
Integration with your project logic then follows.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item Glade options

=over 4

=item B<-w>, B<--write-source>

Write the source code and exit


=item GNOME options

=over 4

=item B<--version>

Display the glade version.

=item B<--disable-sound>

Disable sound server use.

=item B<--enable-sound>

Enable sound server use.

=item B<--speaker=HOST:PORT>

Host:port where sound server to be used is running.


=item Help options

=over 4

=item B<-?>,B<--help>

It shows the help message.

=item B<--usage>

It shows a brief usage explanation.


=item GTK options

=over 4

=item B<--gdk-debug=FLAGS>

Debugging gdk flags to activate.

=item B<--gdk-no-debug=FLAGS>

Debugging gdk flags to deactivate.

=item B<--display=DISPLAY>

X display to use.

=item B<--sync>             

Syncrone X calls.

=item B<--no-xshm>

Don't use X shared extension memory.

=item B<--name=NAME>

Window manager program name.

=item B<--class=CLASS>

Program class used by window manager.

=item B<--gxid_host=NODE>

=item B<--gxid_port=PORT>

=item B<--xim-preedit=STYLE>

=item B<--xim-status=STYLE>

=item B<--gtk-debug=FLAGS>

Debugging Gtk+ flags to activate.

=item B<--gtk-no-debug=FLAGS>

Debugging Gtk+ flags to deactivate.

=item B<--g-fatal-warnings>

Transform warnings in fatal errors.

=item B<--gtk-module=MODULE>

Load an additional Gtk module.


=item GNOME GUI options

=over 4

=item B<--disable-crash-dialog>


=item Session Manager options

=over 4

=item B<--sm-client-id=ID>

Specify session manager identification.

=item B<--sm-config-prefix=PREFIX>

Specify previously saved configuration prefix.

=item B<--sm-disable>

Deactivate session manager conection.



=head1 SEE ALSO

To obtain more information about Glade please visit L<http://glade.gnome.org>.


This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991.

=head1 AUTHORS

  Damon Chaplin <damon@helixcode.com>
  Martijn van Beers <martijn@earthling.net>

--------------- cut --------------------

Lo llamas nombre-del-paquete.pod, y lo conviertes a formato man con:

	pod2man -r '' -c '' nombre-del-paquete.pod

Con esto te habras creado un fichero nombre-del-paquete.1, lo que te
queda por hacer es comprimirlo con gzip y meterlo en el directorio

   /|      /|   \O/      O/   __O       O_    O_   Luis Arocha "Data"
  | |     | |    |      /|_    _|\     _/\\   /\\  <data@gamebox.net>
  | |     | |   / \      / \ o/ \        /\    /\_     Canary Islands
__|_|_____|_|__/__|_____/________\_______\_\__/__________       Spain
Short people get rained on last.
Linux yoda 2.4.7 i686

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