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Freenukum game data


I've spotted this one on salsa:

This look like a candidate for (optional)
handling by game-data-packager.

For this to work you only need to make sure your
games also try to reads the origina assets from
"/usr/share/games/duke1" or something else under "/usr/share/games".

I was first going to execute the "freenukum-data-tool" (like we do in
but it looks it doesn't do anything so special,
so maybe use the builtin code of GDP ?

(that will call id-shr-extract , anyway ...
so it's juste swaping one tool for another)

> The home of FreeNukum is https://salsa.debian.org/silwol/freenukum.


Of course you get to keep the tool for the people on Debian/Ubuntu not using GDP
or the people other distros; It's only a convenience.

GDP has GOG.com automation.




Game data

Currently the game requires the installation of the original game
graphics data. The project includes the freenukum-data-tool executable
which can be used for installation.

The game data can be obtained:

Shareware episode from ftp://ftp.3drealms.com/share/1duke.zip (free of charge)
Search on https://archive.org/ for it.
The Duke Nukem 3D CD contains a copy of the full version.
Buy it from an online store if you find it. It used to be available on
GOG.com, but that is no longer the case. Maybe it will be available
some time in the future again.

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