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Ironseed game packaging -- feedback wanted (ITP: #971924)

Before doing RFS, I'd be grateful if people are willing to look at
this packaging port of 1984 DOS science-fiction space game (somewhat
similar in gameplay to StarControl2 / Ur-Quan masters), and give me 
hints about what should be changed.

Thanks in advance!

 * Package name    : ironseed
   Version         : 0.2.7-1
 * URL             : https://github.com/mnalis/ironseed_fpc
 * License         : GPL-2+, GPL-3+
 * Vcs             : https://salsa.debian.org/mnalis/ironseed
   Section         : games

It builds those binary packages:

  ironseed-data - science-fiction exploration/strategy adventure game in space - data files
  ironseed - science-fiction exploration/strategy adventure game in space

To access further information about this package, please visit the following URL:


Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

  dget -x https://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/i/ironseed/ironseed_0.2.7-1.dsc

I've already noted few Info-level lintian warnings on mentors.debian.net page 
which I'll attend to (I'm building/running on Buster, which has older lintian 
which does not have those). 

Opinions above are GNU-copylefted.

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