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Re: homepage(s) for game-data-packager

2015-09-04 15:34 GMT+02:00 Markus Koschany <apo@gambaru.de>:
>>> Why are there multiple doom or quake engines?
>>> How can I successfully play the games?
>>> Are there any walkthrough guides?
>>> Are there any alternatives?
>>> Is it possible to create data for those games?
>>> How can it be done?
>>> How can I contact the developers? etc. pp.
>> Wow, that'd be awesome; but I have no idea who will provide that.
>> Would be adding an "mobygames id" in G-D-P game definition
>> used to build an URL to this site OK for a start ?
>> Or a link to wikipedia ? What could be considered to be
>> a usefull reference ?
>> Doing the same for games already documented on Debian wiki ?
>> https://wiki.debian.org/Games/Doom
> Adding more yaml metadata to g-d-p to tackle those questions would be a
> good idea. In most cases I would prefer links to wikipedia and to Debian's
> own wiki where interested users could add additional information about the game.
> That would also simplify the maintenance work a little.
> The links would appear on the homepage and people could easily edit wiki pages
> if they wanted to contribute new information to a game.
> Cheers,
> Markus


I settled for this setup:

In the yaml files we document the page at the per-engine wiki;
currently ScummVM , Arx & Doom wiki are documented
this is the location where user will find the most relevant
information for this game + engine combination.

>From these pages, links to the main wikipedia page
(=english version, unless english version doesn't exists)
are harvested with a spider & manually checked for false positives.

Then it would be really easy to add a link to localized wikipedia page
in the help screen by calling the wikipedia api; but that's not an
expected behaviour
of a cli program; this would be okay to do it just-in-time
when someone click a wikipedia icon in a GUI.

lynx -dump "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&titles=Cruise_for_a_Corpse&prop=langlinks&format=json&llprop=url&lllang=fr";
| jq . -
            "lang": "fr",
            "*": "Croisière pour un cadavre"

> That would also simplify the maintenance work a little.

Indeed, I just created this one page:




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