Re: src:debian-games blend
On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 6:59 PM, Alexandre Detiste wrote:
> I feel that having a "Recommends: lgogdownloader, innoextract" in G-D-P
> is maybe a bit too-much. People that don't have a don't
> want to pull these packages and their depedencies.
Seems reasonable.
> Maybe a virtual package would be better ?
I think you mean a metapackage?
> What's the best place to host it, in src:debian-games or src:game-data-packager ?
The latter IMO.
> + games assets found in i386 'setup-<...>.exe' archives
I would replace "i386 'setup-<...>.exe' archives" with just "game installers".
> + in 'all' .deb packages for local consumption.
I would replace "'all' .deb" with just "Debian".
> + These engine will be pulled-in by the generated .debs .
s/-/ /
> + 'lgogdownloader' is needed to automate downloading of these
> + archives & 'innoextract' is needed to unpack those;
> + these two tools are automatically called by 'game-data-packager'.
I would drop this paragraph, no need to repeat Depends.
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