Hi Juhani,
Thanks, any contributions are welcome.
I'd be happy to sponsor, but probably won't be available until mid or late June.
Re. license, whichever GPL was the latest version when I last touched the package (with "or later")
I’d like to help with the bubbros package. Currently it’s not in
testing because of an RC bug. https://bugs.debian.org/723880
I’m writing this mail before committing to version control as per
pkg-games guidelines.
There is some progress in the svn repository but it’s not finished yet.
Here’s a list of things I could help with.
* Finish the transition to 3.0 (quilt), AFAICT the patches are not
applied during build.
* Fix lintian error privacy-breach-logo in
* Transition to dh_python2 from dh_pysupport.
* Add Keywords field to bubbros.desktop file.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5.
* Rewrite debian/copyright to machine-readable format.
* Exclude Makefiles from being installed.
* Resolve the RC bug #723880 by not installing the MacBinary levels.
* Update to latest upstream release 1.6.2.
Siegfried, could you kindly clarify the license of your debian
packaging? From debian/copyright:
The Debian packaging is © 2007-2008, Siegfried-A. Gevatter
<rainct@ubuntu.com> and is licensed under the GPL, see
What is the version of GPL you meant there?
Also, if you are available to sponsor the upload, I’d be very happy.
If you have any objections, please let me know. :)
Best regards,
-- Juhani Numminen