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Re: RFS tanglet and connectagram

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:00 PM, Dariusz Dwornikowski
<dariusz.dwornikowski@cs.put.poznan.pl> wrote:
> Dear pkg games team,
> Please consider sponsoring two games that I intend to adopt. They are kept in pkg-games
> git. I am DM, cannot upload by myself.
> tanglet (http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-games/tanglet.git)
>   * Imported Upstream version 1.2.2
>   * Added keywords to desktop file and menu entry (Closes: #738038)
>   * Updated copyright to DEP-5
>   * Added VCS fields to d/control
>   * Watch file fixed
>   * Migrated to dh
>   * Compat changed to 9, bump standards to 3.9.5
>   * Updated manpage (Closes: #617539)
>   * New maintainer (Closes: #746458)
>   * Split packages to tanglet-data and tanglet
> connectagram (http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-games/connectagram.git)
>   * Imported Upstream version 1.1.2 (Closes: #726101)
>   * Bump standards to 3.9.5 and compat to 9
>   * New maintainer (Closes: #746459)
>   * Split packages to connectagram and connectagram-data, containing word list
>     files
>   * Removed unneeded patch (Closes: #643082)
>   * Migrated to dh
>   * debian/copyright formatted according to DEP-5
>   * Fixed watch file
>   * Added menu file and keyword to desktop file (Closes: #737849)

Built, signed, and uploaded both packages to NEW (with a few
minor/cosmetic changes pushed to the git repos). Thanks for your
contribution to Debian!

Note that in the future, you can also use the Games Team's sponsor
queue [1] to ask for packages to be sponsored (I'm subscribed to the
page as well).


[1] https://wiki.debian.org/Games/Sponsors/Queue

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