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Offer of help

Hi All,
I've been using Debian since around 1995 (0.93?), had an epiphany about
Free Software 2 years ago and have spent much of the time since then
just fiddling with stuff, becoming more free but not really contributing
much at all. So it's time to change that and start giving back.

I'm a hobby game developer (C++/SFML), a curmudgeonly gamer in general
 and also an IT Architect by trade. Helping the games team seems the
 logical first step for me. I have a technical apititude and intend to
 learn packaging at some stage and can give a few hours a week. Is there
 a priority list of stuff that needs doing or should I just jump in, set
 myself up for packaging/bug fixing and get stuck in?

  Steven Hamilton
 I don't look like two zombies

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