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Re: Request for review of pentobi packaging

On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 10:37 AM, Dean Evans wrote:

> I am looking for a review of my packaging efforts for pentobi, a clone
> of the strategy board game Blokus. It is my first project to package and
> it will also be the first time pentobi is in Debian so it will be
> going through the NEW queue.

Quick review:

Please fill out the Vcs-* URLs (this is the location of the Debian
packaging). If you don't have it in a VCS yet, take a look at this:


The package description could use some reformatting/cleanup. I'd
suggest asking on debian-l10n-english.

No need for the extra blank line in debian/watch

The upstream README doesn't look that useful, I would drop it from the
binary package.

How about adding a longtitle to the debian/menu file?

If the SVG files in data/ are modified, the PNG files in that same
directory will not be re-rendered from the SVG files. I would suggest
that upstream should drop the PNG files and use either Inksape or rsvg
to create them at build time.

The Icon field in the pentobi.desktop file should not be an absolute
path, just the name of the icon file, without the extension
(Icon=pentobi). This is so that the user can override any icon and
also so that the deskop can use the SVG file when that is appropriate.

The regression tests require gogui-regress, it would be nice to
package that too so they could be run during the build.

application-x-blokus-sgf.svg is public domain, not GPL-3.0+

view-fullscreen.png is not copyright Markus Enzenberger but Jakub
Steiner. I would wager that other images in the package are similar.

go-next.png go-previous.png go-down.png go-first.png go-last.png
go-up.png say they were produced in Inkscape, but there is no SVG
source file available for them. I'd wager go-home.png and lots of
other images were also produced in Inkscape even tho there is no text
saying they were. Similarly board_trigon.png pieces.png
pieces_trigon.png position_trigon.png view-fullscreen.png say they
were made in GIMP but there are no XCF files available. These files
are all allegedly GPL-3.0+, making them not redistributable without
source (probably SVG/XCF). Given that they probably also have a
different copyright holder, I'm not sure what the license actually is.

It would be nice if upstream could put copyright holders and license
grant headers into each source code file.

desktop-file-validate warnings:

pentobi.desktop: warning: key "Encoding" in group "Desktop Entry" is deprecated
pentobi.desktop: warning: value "Application;Game;BoardGame;" for key
"Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" contains a deprecated value

dpkg-shlibdeps warning:

dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: dependency on libboost_thread.so.1.46.1 could
be avoided if "debian/pentobi/usr/games/pentobi
debian/pentobi/usr/games/pentobi-thumbnailer" were not uselessly
linked against it (they use none of its symbols).

lintian complaints (run lintian-info -t tagname for descriptions):

P: pentobi source: unversioned-copyright-format-uri
I: pentobi: spelling-error-in-binary usr/games/pentobi Programm Program
I: pentobi: spelling-error-in-binary usr/games/pentobi Programm Program
I: pentobi: spelling-error-in-binary usr/games/pentobi Programms Programs
I: pentobi: spelling-error-in-binary usr/games/pentobi allows to allows one to
P: pentobi: no-upstream-changelog
I: pentobi: description-synopsis-might-not-be-phrased-properly
I: pentobi: desktop-entry-contains-encoding-key
usr/share/applications/pentobi.desktop:2 Encoding



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