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Re: megaglest package

Sorry for my slackness, here is a review:

Blocking issues:

The copyright and license data in megaglest/debian/copyright is out of
date, licensecheck --copyright -r finds a lot of other copyright
holders. I did not yet do a full review of the code for license
freeness or debian/copyright completeness either since I'd prefer to
do that when/if all the embedded code copies are removed. Likewise for
megaglest-data, specifically the embedded fonts and flags copies are
missing from debian/copyright.

The megaglest-data source package is the prebuilt data instead of the
source data. For DFSG item 2 (and the ftpmasters) to be satisfied, the
source needs to be included in the tarball. Personally I think that
for Debian to keep our promises wrt DFSG item 2 we also need to build
the data from source in the Debian source package. If that is possible
to do in a automatic, non-interactive way we should do that in
debian/rules. If not then there should be a document explaining how to
do that and whoever is sponsoring new upstream versions should be the
one to generate the new data on a clean Debian sid system. Here I am
talking about the data-source dir on the upstream files page. I'm
wondering if you version control these files and what the


megaglest-data fails to build from source (FTBFS):

   dh_auto_configure -O--parallel
dh_auto_configure: cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
-DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON failed to to execute: No such file or
make: *** [build] Error 2
dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules build gave error exit status 2
E: Failed autobuilding of package

intro_music3.ogg and menu_music1.ogg appear to be licensed under
non-free licenses (CC-BY-ND 3.0 and CC-BY-NC 2.0), at least according
to the Ogg metadata viewable using mc or ogginfo.

Non-blocking issues:

In your work as upstream, please keep in mind these wiki pages
(especially the source section of the first one):


I guess you don't have the URLs any more but it would be nice for
review purposes if megaglest-data docs/AUTHORS.data.txt contained full
URLs to the pages where each data file not created by direct MG
contributors was downloaded from.

Some of the URLs in docs/AUTHORS.data.txt are semi-broken, for example
http://mattiaswestlund.jamendo.net/ redirects to the generic blog

The megaglest-data upstream tarball seems to contain a couple of
broken symlinks:


The megaglest-data package description duplicates the megaglest one,
the -data one should describe the data not the game. Take a look at
the warzone2100 packages for how to do this.

Drop the www. from the homepage in megaglest-data/debian/control.
Consistency FTW.

Extra blank line in megaglest-data/debian/watch.

Shouldn't glest-data depend on megaglest-data instead of megaglest?

Check megaglest/debian/TODO to see if all the items still apply (esp
endianness stuff)

Check megaglest/debian/README.Debian to see if it needs deleting.

Check with the people in Uploaders if they are still interested in

I'm not sure if these megaglest dependencies are a good idea since
megaglest and megaglest-data are different source packages:

 megaglest-data (>= ${source:Upstream-Version}),
 megaglest-data (<= ${source:Version})

No need to mention megaglest-data in the package description, that is
what Depends: are for.

debian/megaglest.6 still refers to glest rather than megaglest

Please get debian/megaglest.6 merged upstream. Probably it needs some
updates too.

Please merge the UNRELEASED changelog entries. Best use dch to edit
them, with these options in ~/.devscripts:


The DEP-5 machine-readable copyright format is not yet finalised, but
it would be nice to use it.

Why do you build-depend on libxml2? Should that be libxml2-dev
instead? I get this from the configure process:

-- Could NOT find LibXml2 (missing:  LIBXML2_LIBRARIES LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- WARNING... xml2g will NOT be built since we cannot find libXml2 on
this machine

I see some embedded data copies:

megaglest-data/data/core/misc_textures/flags/: famfamfam-flag-png
megaglest-data/data/core/fonts/DejaVuSansMono.ttf: ttf-dejavu-core
megaglest-data/data/core/fonts/LinBiolinum_RB.ttf: fonts-linuxlibertine
megaglest-data/data/core/fonts/gothub__.ttf: fonts-uralic
megaglest-data/data/core/fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc: ttf-wqy-zenhei

Why do you delete the libircclient/miniupnpc embedded code copies
twice in debian/rules?

Please also delete any other embedded code/data copies in debian/rules.

Please consider splitting your upstream megaglest tarball into
megaglest-source and megaglest-dependencies so that the embedded code
copies don't need to be shipped. Or building a megaglest-only tarball.
This has the advantage of greatly reducing the amount of copyright
info needed to be listed in debian/copyright and reducing the amount
of source code needing to be reviewed by your sponsor and by the
Debian ftpmasters. Similar for megaglest-data.

The megaglest-data source package is quite large, I wonder about
splitting it up more like was done for openarena?

debian/README.source is not needed for quilt 3.0 format source packages.

IIRC FTGL does not handle glyph fallback (yet?) so you might want to
use a different library that does, like QuesoGLC or Pango.

It would be nice to have a -dbg package containing debug symbols. Take
a look at the dh_strip manual page.

Please review the Debian/Ubuntu bugs list and see if any should be
closed in debian/changelog:


The Indian faction has been merged into megaglest already, #457230
needs to be closed in megaglest-data/debian/changelog.

I wonder if the fonts used in all the loading screens are DFSG-free or
if the screens in general are possible to modify and re-render.

Why do you use a custom format for translations instead of standard gettext?

Once we have the game in Debian it will need debtags and screenshots added:


Please take a look at the glest/glest-data PTS pages and see if
anything there is relevant to the megaglest packages:


dpkg-shlibdeps warnings, you might want to look at fixing those upstream:

dependency on libXext.so.6 could be avoided if
debian/megaglest/usr/games/megaglest_configurator" were not uselessly
linked against it (they use none of its symbols).
dependency on libSM.so.6 could be avoided if
debian/megaglest/usr/games/megaglest_configurator" were not uselessly
linked against it (they use none of its symbols).
dependency on libfreetype.so.6 could be avoided if
debian/megaglest/usr/games/megaglest_configurator" were not uselessly
linked against it (they use none of its symbols).
dependency on libICE.so.6 could be avoided if
debian/megaglest/usr/games/megaglest_configurator" were not uselessly
linked against it (they use none of its symbols).

lintian complaints:

Run lintian-info -t with the tag name to find the extended description:

W: megaglest source:
virtual-package-depends-without-real-package-depends build-depends:
I: megaglest: spelling-error-in-binary usr/games/megaglest Unkown Unknown
I: megaglest: spelling-error-in-binary usr/games/megaglest writting writing
I: megaglest: spelling-error-in-binary usr/games/megaglest_g3dviewer
Unkown Unknown
I: megaglest: spelling-error-in-binary usr/games/megaglest_g3dviewer
writting writing
P: megaglest: copyright-refers-to-symlink-license usr/share/common-licenses/GPL
W: megaglest: binary-without-manpage usr/games/megaglest
W: megaglest: binary-without-manpage usr/games/megaglest_configurator
W: megaglest: binary-without-manpage usr/games/megaglest_editor
W: megaglest: binary-without-manpage usr/games/megaglest_g3dviewer
P: glest: copyright-refers-to-symlink-license usr/share/common-licenses/GPL
I: glest: package-contains-empty-directory usr/games/
W: glest: pkg-not-in-package-test megaglest usr/share/menu/glest
W: glest: menu-command-not-in-package usr/share/menu/glest:7 usr/games/megaglest
E: glest: menu-icon-not-in-xpm-format usr/share/pixmaps/megaglest.png



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