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Re: Update on slviewer package

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 01:14:43PM +0100, Robin Cornelius wrote:
> But i'm having some issues, i'm loosing my SSH connection then not able
> to reconnect for 5 minutes so it looks like some protection is kicking
> in and filtering me out for a short time?

Just today, I've had an e-mail exchange with Raphael Hertzog (wearing
his admin@alioth hat) about my similar problems with svn.debian.org
(as some of you might have noticed two or three very weird xmahjongg
commits not followed by anything yesterday).

It turns out that I'd guessed right - there is something like an IDS
installed on alioth, it's called "fail2ban", and it was very, very
unhappy about my failed attempts to authenticate with several SSH
keys.  Now, I've got several SSH keys loaded into ssh-agent, since
I log into several herds of machines which have nothing in common.
The alioth key was *not* the first one that my SSH client tried, so
alioth logged an auth failure, then my SSH client tried the good key,
alioth let me in... and in the next svn operation, alioth logged
another failure, and fail2ban kicked in and locked me out for 10 minutes.

So... if you're using more than one SSH key to authenticate, it might
help to provide a specific configuration for git.debian.org in your
~/.ssh/config file; something like:

Host git.debian.org
User what-have-you
IdentityFile id-alioth

(or whatever the name of your SSH identity file for alioth is)

Hope that helps!


Peter Pentchev	roam@ringlet.net    roam@space.bg    roam@FreeBSD.org
PGP key:	http://people.FreeBSD.org/~roam/roam.key.asc
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