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Fwd: how hard is compiling a SDL game?

Hi folks.

Looks like the following message was left unanswered. Forwarding it to
the debian-devel-games@ address.


Cyril Brulebois

----- Forwarded message from Paulo Silva <nitrofurano@gmail.com> -----

Subject: how hard is compiling a SDL game?
From: Paulo Silva <nitrofurano@gmail.com>
To: Pkg-games-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 12:58:51 +0000
Message-ID: <9b711ec60801020458x3bb738dcx17b122620ddaf02c@mail.gmail.com>
Sender: pkg-games-devel-bounces+cyril.brulebois=enst-bretagne.fr@lists.alioth.debian.org


i found lots of open-source SDL games, but from people made these
games on ms-windows instead of Linux (that Konami's F1-Spirit remake
is an example, i think easily to find from google )

I found also some games from htpp://games.linux.org

I also have difficulties to compile a game and contribute with the
Debian and Ubuntu repositories - would be nice if packagers could
develop step-by-step packaging tutorials with screenshots, and/or
videos at youtube (from recordmydesktop tools and alike) explaining
how a newbie can make .deb packages and contributing on the
repositories without further difficulties - this can be interesting
for people got these initial dificulties and surelly not wanting other
newbies having to loose too many time and effort to reach this
contribution level

Packagers also, please let us know about wiki pages of projects (games
or not) which are still not in the Debian/Ubuntu repositories, and
which help us to know which games are packaged, in the package
process, and didn't start the package process.

What i think can be interesting for SDL game developers, specially
newbies, is a interpreter i were personally involved since 4 years
ago, named sdlBasic - some aspects of it are similar to Amos
(AmigaOS), it's lots easier to code there than on other interpreters
like Python-Pygame, and surelly the packaging process of sdlBasic can
contribute with a good ammount of good SDL games in the Debian/Ubuntu
repositories. As far packages here may get interested on packaging and
repositoring sdlBasic, please let me know.


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