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Fwd: Go Ollie! for linux just released

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: W.P. van Paassen <wp.van.paassen@gmail.com>
Date: 2008/11/13
Subject: Re: Go Ollie! for linux just released
To: Miriam Ruiz <miriam@debian.org>

Hi Miriam,

ok, let me do some explanation.

The actual game code is in the *.py files in the bin directory

The other .so and .pyc files in the bin directory are from python
version 2.5 and are needed because TuxCap embeds the python
interpreter and the game should also run on a system without python

The GoOllie executable only bootstraps tuxcap which in turn triggers
the python interpreter which in turn loads the game.py game code.
(The GoOllie executable is part of the tuxcap package in the form of
an python example but I can send you the actual code later on if you
need it.)

All other needed libraries (needed by tuxcap) are in the lib dir with
all their licenses.

So all source code is out there and the game is completely open source.

For packaging, the game (The GoOllie executable) only depends on
tuxcap which in turn depends on the libraries in the lib dir

So very roughly , it should probably be enough to create the
dependency on tuxcap and package the *.py files and the art and sound

Let me know if something is not clear or you need additional information

oh one more thing, Go Ollie depends on version 3.3 of TuxCap which I
will release this week

Willem Peter

On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 12:42 AM, Miriam Ruiz <miriam@debian.org> wrote:
> 2008/11/13 W.P. van Paassen <wp.van.paassen@gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> Did you install GoOllie or Atomic Worm?
>> I've just double checked and looking in the bin dir of the GoOllie
>> install dir there are .so, .py and .pyc files. For instance look for
>> game.py
> Yup, I've seen that, but where do those .so and .pyc files come from?
> I must be able to compile it from scratch if I want to get it into
> Debian
> Greetings,
> Miry

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