libjsw: lost interest - does anybody want to take over maintenance?
I've neglected libjsw for far too long; I just don't have any real interest
in maintaining it these days (and anyway it's ages since I last used a
joystick, and even then it was an old one with a standard DB9 connector).
Does anybody want to take over maintenance? If so, say so before the end of
the month to do so, else I'll file a bug report involving the letter 'O' ;-)
Anybody who's interested should look here for what I last did to it:
searchandrescue and oxine depend on libjsw, and bug 458774 says that oxine
needs libjsw 1.56 (CC'ed accordingly); jscalibrator should be ported to GTK+2
| Darren Salt | linux or ds at | nr. Ashington, | Toon
| RISC OS, Linux | youmustbejoking,demon,co,uk | Northumberland | Army
| + Lobby friends, family, business, government. WE'RE KILLING THE PLANET.
You have had a long-term stimulation relative to business.
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