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Vegastrike status on SVN

I've done numerous things for the game Vegastrike which included lots
of bug testing and fixing (Sam, you might want to read this). Here's
the changelog.

vegastrike (0.4.3-6) UNRELEASED; urgency=low

 [ Eddy Petrișor ]
 * use CURDIR instead of PWD since the later is erased in sudo
   (Closes: 418505)

 [ Andres Mejia ]
 * Addressing bug 426872 (Closes: 426872)
   + use -lboost_python-st with libboost-python-dev 1.34.0.
   + removed python-dev as build depend since libboost-python-dev takes care
     of proper python dependency regardless.
 * Adding checks for python2.4 and python2.5 in configure.in
 * Adding checks to detect version of libboost-python-dev.
 * Replacing build dependency from xlibmesa-gl-dev to libgl1-mesa-dev.
 * Modified vegastrike dependencies for vegastrike-data.
 * Switched config path from .vegastrike.4.x to .vegastrike-0.4.x
 * Changed back version to source version 0.4.3 with package version 6.
 * Replacing quilt with dpatch for patches.
 * Patches that modified the same file were combined to a single patch.
 * Taking out use of rebootstrap patch. Autotools will be used instead.
 * Renamed accountserver binary to vsaccountserver.
 * Tar-in-tar build method will be used again.
 * Closing vslauncher bug. (Closes: 297815)
   + It's been noted that vsluancher is no longer supported upstream.
   + Also tested vslauncher. It does nothing at all now.
 * Modified vegastrike man page.
   + vegstrike man page will contain information for all binaries.
   + man pages for other binaries will link to vegastrike man page.
 * Package's long description will mention the homepage.
 * Removing xgot hack as it's no longer needed. (Closes: 374798)
 * Closing bug with glibc error. (Closes: 362314)
   + This bug cannot be reproduced, may have been fixed already.
 * Closing bug with soundserver problem. (Closes: 377735)
   + This bug cannot be reproduced, may have been fixed already.
 * Closing bug with flying through objects. (Closes: 281598)
   + This bug cannot be reproduced, may have been fixed already.
   + I've have crashed during all attempts to fly through objects.
 * Changed build dependency to freeglut3-dev (Closes: 394504).
 * Added .desktop file for 'vsinstall --setup'.
 * Changed vegastrike.desktop exec parameter to vsinstall.
 * vssetup GUI will now display xterm for viewing README.

 [ Emmet Hikory ]
 * Install .desktop file to /usr/share/applications/
 * Add an icon from http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/favicon.ico
 * Added 502_hat_switches.diff to support hatswitch configuration

-- Andres Mejia <mcitadel@gmail.com>  Wed, 04 Jul 2007 23:37:33 -0400

And also for vegastrike-data

vegastrike-data (0.4.3-4) UNRELEASED; urgency=low

 * Addressing lintian errors.
   + Man pages won't be installed from data package. (Closes: #419146)
   + cgi.py has correct path for python now.
   + Adding python as dependency.
 * Fixed Build-Depends
 * Using .vegastrike-0.4.x as version.
 * Repacked tarball to filter out unnecessary files.
 * vegastrike.config has max_texture_dimension of 512. (Closes: #343411)
   + Adding README.Debian file that explains this.

-- Andres Mejia <mcitadel@gmail.com>  Sun, 01 Jul 2007 01:51:39 -0400

I've tried to start a discussion on vegastrike before I made changes,
but I received no response so I went ahead a made the changes. In
particular, I wanted to know why the rebootstrap patch was
used/necessary. Even though autotools has some shortcomings, I had
some concern that autotools was going to progress, yet the rebootstrap
patch was going to remain the same, problems and all.

I would like to hear the views of others about these changes. I want
to upload these packages soon to mentors.d.n and ask Tolimar, ana, or
anyone in debian-mentors to upload them.

Andres Mejia

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