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Re: FretsOnFire

2007/4/17, Miriam Ruiz <little.miry@gmail.com> wrote:
2007/4/17, Matthew Johnson <debian@matthew.ath.cx>:
> On Mon Apr 16 18:51, Jason Spiro wrote:
> > Should the package suggest (or maybe even recommend) vorbis-tools?
> Yes, certainly suggest.

I guess I'm even for recommend it. Which one would be better? One of them
for sure.

I thought about it a bit.  I suspect that if it fails to find oggenc
it will give an obscure error message instead of a clear simple
"Please apt-get install vorbis-tools".  So, in the interest of
usability, I think Recommend is best.

> > Also:  What will the package be named?  I think frets-on-fire is best;
> Currently the packaging is done as fretsonfire; the upstream tarball is
> named like that and I'm not really a fan of hyphens for that. It
> confuses their use when you have fretsonfire, fretsonfire-songs;
> fretsonfire-nonfree-songs, etc (which we will have).


Ah, I didn't think of that.  Now I also agree the name fretsonfire is better.

> > Also, when there are no songs installed and you click "Play Game",
> > does the game offer a "Get more songs..." option that will tell you
> > about the relevant websites and the Import Songs menu option?  If so,
> > who can write one?  I can write the text if you want, but not the
> > code.
> This will require some amount of code and patching upstream. Currently
> we have avoided patching upstream, which I'd like to maintain if
> possible. ATM we have a README.Debian which says:
>    The Debian version of Frets on Fire has had the tracks replaced with
>    free ones. The originals can still be downloaded from
>    http://louhi.kempele.fi/~skyostil/uv/fretsonfire/
> This should be amended to give the new state of play and instructions on
> all the ways of getting songs (upstream, the GH games,
> keyboardsonfire.net, writing your own). I think having a clear
> README.Debian is sufficient.

I'd also prefer not to patch it. If we need to modify anything, upstream are
really really nice and collaborative so we could count on them for sure.

Sami / Joonas, could you kindly add a screen like that when you have
time?  The screen could just display some textfile moresongs.txt
onscreen.  It wouldn't be crucial but it'd be nice to have.

And if there was *always* a "Get more songs..." option on the menu,
more people would learn where to get songs.

> Also, while I think about it, have we had the licence for the tutorial
> clarified as free? We really should have that in our version.

Don't know about the song. The rest I think it is (dunno if it's really free
or CC, that should be clarified).

The consensus is it couldn't be considered a real song.  Yes, it's
.ogg, but it's more of a spoken tutorial with a little bit of music in
it.  Sami, could you kindly update the COPYING file to reflect this,
email us the new file, and agree the new file reflects the actual
copyright status?

The next thing to do is to replace the fonts.

Great!  Then we're well on our way.

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