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Re: cdbs?? Why?

On 17/07/06, Reinhard Tartler <siretart@tauware.de> wrote:
Gonéri Le Bouder wrote:
> Le dimanche 16 juillet 2006 21:46, Jon Dowland a écrit:
>> At 1152945721 past the epoch, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
>> > IMO, it obfuscates things, makes managing
>> > patches with svn hard to impossible
> Can you please explain more precisely where the problem is?

I tried to explain it in another post in this thread. Let me rephrase

IMO, a SCM (source code managment system) is a tool to manage a line of
development (let's call that 'branch'), and you can get from each step
(let's call this 'revisions') to another by applying patches.

svn does a pretty good job doing this, and personally, I think it is the
best central SCM I've seen so far [1]. You can create, apply and
review patches directly in SVN. Why should we duplicate this use case by
managing patches with another SCM (may it be dpatch or custom patch
helper scripts)?

I find it very comfortable to have patches separated in the debian
directory. It is true that SVN can do a good job at patching things,
but I also find one diff.gz very uncomfortable when separating atomic
patches. True, they can be reverted if committed atomically, but
removing a plain patch file when upstream has merged or is no longer
needed seems more intuitive and _I_ feel is more clean.

But all is adjustable to each's taste :)

The only valid reasoning I've seen so far is that several people work on
a package, and some refuse to use svn, and insist on using another SCM,
or just use svn to put some files in a common place, degrading svn to
some sort of 'file shareing tool'.


[1] sidenote: I personally prefer decentral SCM, but that doesn't matter
here. I've been thinking about converting some branches to bzr using
tailor. [2, 3] This of course doesn't work with 'mergeOnUpstream'
branches. One other reason why I'm against using it, even when it
requires more bandwith for uploading.

[2] http://www.darcs.net/DarcsWiki/Tailor

[3] http://www.darcs.net/DarcsWiki/ConvertingFromSubversion

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