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cdbs?? Why?


While working on the upload request queue of our request tracker, I
noticed some packages have been moved to cdbs recently.  May I ask you
why?  IIRC we discussed that topic shortly after we founded that group,
and agreed, that we should stick with plain debhelper (but I'm too lazy
to search for that thread in the archive).

So, one example why I dislike cdbs:
- boson-data 0.12 should be uploaded
- Unlike boson-data 0.11, it seems not to copy some arch data but needs
  weird stuff for a -data package, namely cmake and kdelibs4-dev (well,
  one of the smaller libs might be enough, but I'm too lazy to check
- at this point I would like to check what's happening there, and why a
  data package needs headers and libs to be build
- I take a look at debian/rules, and I all see are three include lines
  and two variables
- I take a look at the includes, and even after studying them for half
  an hour, I don't know, what's going on.

Perhaps I would think otherwise, if there were some usefull comments in
those files, I might think otherwise, but at it's current state, I just
won't upload it and am to lazy to do any further investigations about

Even if I fixed those FTBFS bugs (PLEASE!  Test your packages with
pbuilder before asking for uploads!), I won't upload a package, as long
as I can't reconstruct, why an arch: all packages with some data for a
game, needs several kdelibs and headers.

And no, I won't read all these lines, to try to understand it:
$ wc -l debian/rules $(grep include debian/rules|cut -f 2 -d" ")
   10 debian/rules
  160 /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk
   61 debian/cdbs/cmake.mk
  239 /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
  470 total

Yours sincerely,


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