Re: Bug#372765: holotz-castle, help needed
> Miri, since you are the administrator for that list, could you remove the
> moderation or whitelist the BTS (although I fear users of it should be
> whitelisted). I think something like "" can be specified.
> Please ask for help, if you think you need it.
Sorry, I changed home and I haven't had internet here until now. Right now I'm
still trying to configure the WiFi :)
I'll be clear: I need help on this :)
> > Could you *please* white-list the BTS or suppress this message? Btw., I
> Sorry for that.
I've tried, but I just don't have a clue on how to do it. I've tried some
things for now and none worked.
> > did not (and do not want to!) receive a notification of the
> > moderator's decision. And I see no reason to cancel a submitted bug
> > either. (I think there was an article about lists as debian maintainer
> > a while ago in the DWN, discussing these issues).
> I agree, this thing was discussed before, probably Miri was busy.
Sorry, I hope I'll be able to be active again soon, as soon as my connection
is working from home (right now I haven't been able to make it work under
Linux yet). I don't remember having a conclusion on that, but as you say, I've
been quite busy. Please tell me what to do (or should I remove the
moderation?) to remove those stupid messages.
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