Re: a project logo proposal; question about webspace
--- Eddy PetriÅ?or <> escribió:
> On 6/9/06, Jon Dowland <> wrote:
> > Hello all! I've knocked together a proposed logo for the
> > debian games project. What do you think?
> > <>
> Is nice, but I think it needs more dinamysim and it should suggest
> that the games we are talking about are not only console, board or
> those simple games.
I like it. You're right in that it might be better that it represents more
kinds of games, and also to suggest newer games, in contrast to classic ones.
The good point I like is that it doesn't represent only quake-like games or
violent games, which is somethink I wouldn't like, and that it has the symbol
of Debian in the logo.
> If you could add a game console keypad and a joystick I think the
> picture will change a lot.
> Also some more colour would probably be welcome.
Yep, that might be representative of most games in the archive. a gamepad or a
joystick is quite an standard symbol for representing games, so the logo would
be clear. It's hard to find a more original symbol with such a clear meaning.
> Thanks for working on that point.
Any ideas on the group of the team? Shall wee keep it as "Debian Games Team"?
> > I think it would be a good idea to put an index page at
> > <> explaining that most
> > stuff will be on the wiki, and linking to it. I was going
> I agree.
Me too.
> > to put one up but I thought I'd show the logo first.
> Good.
> > Talking about the wiki, I see baby uploaded something at
> > <> a while back.
> > Would it be worth redirecting this to
> > <> or similar?
> Probably removing it altogether would be good.
Yep, it doesn't make sense to have it there. I just didn't have time for that,
and I didn't consider it something with high priority.
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