Re: a project logo proposal; question about webspace
On 6/9/06, Jon Dowland <> wrote:
Hello all! I've knocked together a proposed logo for the
debian games project. What do you think?
Is nice, but I think it needs more dinamysim and it should suggest
that the games we are talking about are not only console, board or
those simple games.
If you could add a game console keypad and a joystick I think the
picture will change a lot.
Also some more colour would probably be welcome.
Thanks for working on that point.
I think it would be a good idea to put an index page at
<> explaining that most
stuff will be on the wiki, and linking to it. I was going
I agree.
to put one up but I thought I'd show the logo first.
Talking about the wiki, I see baby uploaded something at
<> a while back.
Would it be worth redirecting this to
<> or similar?
Probably removing it altogether would be good.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein
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