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Re: base-files 1.6 (source all) uploaded to master

 base-files (1.6) unstable; urgency=low
   * Default prompt for root is now PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ ', which may not
     please everybody and/or generate a flame war, but at least is better
     than nothing (previosuly it was PS1='\h\$ ').

Well, I'm definitely not going to complain -- thanks! :) Now when
are we going to make PAGER=less the default? A huge percentage of
the newbie questions on the #Debian IRC channel are either how to make
their prompt look like Slackware's, or make colors show up in ls like
Slackware's, or make less the default pager like Slackware ;)

Brought to you by the letters D and H and the number 6.
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PGP key. I'm on FurryMUCK as Che, and EFNet and YiffNet IRC as Che_Fox.

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