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Bits from the DPL (May 2017)

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Dear fellow developers,

As I mentioned in my last mail I intend to keep a monthly cadence for my
"Bits from…" emails, so here's what I've been getting up to in May...


 * Congratulating our new DDs to our family and sending them some swag.

 * Responded to a proposal for new member to join as a Parter[1].

 * Pre-approval for various travel expenses.

 * Responded to hardware donation request.

 * Handling a number of administrative details around reimbursements.

 * Approved hardware request reimbursement for armhf and arm64 hardware
   for the Reproducible Builds sub-project.

 * Spoke to GSoC administrators at length regarding a Debian outreach

 * More work on a potential DebConf CoC update.

 * Updated the preface for the «stretch» edition of Debian
   Administrator's Handbook.

 * Submitted an entry for SPI's[2] annual report.

 * Finally, a large amount of private correspondence regarding a handful
   of internal team conflicts, the Dmitry Bogatov situation, and a
   separate conversation around a DDs conduct on our mailing lists

  [1] https://www.debian.org/partners/
  [22] https://www.spi-inc.org

OSCAL 2017

On 13th and 13th May I represented Debian at OSCAL 2017[3] in
Tirana, Albania. I had many highly interesting discussions about using
and promoting Debian, some of them still ongoing.

This event was particulary remarkable in that not only were the
organisers about 10-15 years younger than a typical conference, but also
the gender split of them was around 80:20 female:male.

  [3] https://oscal.openlabs.cc/

OCF.tw "Trusted Organisation" process

The application process for a "Trusted Organisation" to be setup to
handle DebConf18 financial concerns (etc.) has been officially submitted
to the debian-project list.[4]

  [4] https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2017/05/msg00116.html

Policy team

I've been working with a few developers ensuring the Policy Team[5]
is well-staffed. As part of this, Policy was released[6] and
have proposed a "Policy BoF" for DebConf17.

  [5]  https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Policy
  [6]  https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2017/05/msg00005.html

Upcoming «stretch» release

In case you have missed it, the tireless Release Team have announced
they plan to release «stretch» on June 17th![7]  Do re-read over
their announcement as it contains some important deadlines.

We should celebrate all our effort however; please check the release
party page[8] on the Debian Wiki for an event near you. If there are
none currently arranged for your area, please jump in and arrange one.

  [7] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2017/05/msg00002.html
  [8] https://wiki.debian.org/ReleasePartyStretch

Reimbursement for BSPs

Don't forget that Debian is willing to reimburse up to USD 100 or
equivalent in your local currency for travel/accommodation
expenses[9]. If there are no BSPs local to you[10], please help organise

Reimbursement requests must meet the following conditions:

 * The requester must already be a Debian contributor (and preferably
   have demonstrated an ability to contribute to this kind of work).

 * The requester should agree to communicate about their activities
   during the BSP (for example in a blog post or similar). The goal being
   to increase the visibility of such work.

  [9] https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DPL/Reimbursement
  [10] https://wiki.debian.org/BSPPlanning


In case you have missed them, please check out:

 * DebConf17 talk submissions close on June 3rd [11]

  [11] https://debconf17.debconf.org/schedule/important-dates/

See you next month!


- -- 
     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk



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