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Misc Developer News (#39)

The news are collected on https://wiki.debian.org/DeveloperNews
Please contribute short news about your work/plans/subproject.

In this issue:
 + Android Tools Team
 + Google Code closing
 + uscan redirector pypi.debian.net
 + Derivatives census update
 + oldoldstable on DDPO

Android Tools Team

 As part of Debian's project in Google Summer of Code, Hans-Christoph
 Steiner and Markus Koschany be mentoring two students, Kai-Chung Yan and
 Komal Sukhani. We are going to be working on getting the Android SDK and
 tools into Debian, as part of the Android tools[1] team, building upon
 the existing work already included from the Java packaging[2] and Android
 Tools teams. This project is in conjunction with the Java team since
 there is overlap between Android and Java tools, like `gradle`, `maven`,
 etc. Since this work is in Debian, all of the Debian derivatives will
 automatically inherit this work.

 For more info:

  -- Hans-Christoph Steiner

 [1] https://wiki.debian.org/AndroidTools
 [2] https://wiki.debian.org/JavaPackaging

Google Code closing

 Google Code is closing[3] soon. New project creation is already disabled.
 The site will go read-only on August 24, 2015 and the project project
 hosting service will be closed on January 25, 2016. Tarballs of project
 source, issues, and wikis will be available throughout the rest of 2016.
 There are quite a number of projects in Debian that use Google Code for
 their hosting. Folks who maintain packages whose upstream projects use
 Google Code might want to talk to their upstreams about where they will
 move to and or backup code repositories and other data. Folks might also
 want to talk to their upstreams about using free tools[4] that are
 available for hosting software projects[5].

  -- Paul Wise

 [3] http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2015/03/farewell-to-google-code.html
 [4] http://mako.cc/writing/hill-free_tools.html
 [5] https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/LeavingTheCloud#line-209

uscan redirector pypi.debian.net

 Changes on pypi.python.org removed the support for a directory listing
 that is easy to parse for uscan[6]. Piotr provides now a redirector
 service on pypi.debian.net[7] that serves you a useful listing and the
 matching watch file snippet. Just append the package name to the URL, for
 example http://pypi.debian.net/pyroute2/[8], and follow the watchfile

  -- Sven Hoexter

 [6] https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/358
 [7] https://wiki.debian.org/Services/pypi.debian.net
 [8] http://pypi.debian.net/pyroute2/

Derivatives census update

 The Debian derivatives census[9] aims to gather information about
 derivatives that could be interesting to Debian and to present[10] that
 data to contributors. Until recently it was previously split into two
 deployments, one general one on alioth.d.o and the patches generation on
 snapshot.d.o, which was private. Recently the alioth deployment has been
 removed and the snapshot.d.o deployment has a web server installed.
 Patches are being generated daily and are available on
 deriv.debian.net[11]. Please consider taking a look at available patches
 when uploading packages. There is also a plan[12] for a patches panel on
 tracker.debian.org that could link to the derivatives patches. Help with
 the patches panel, the census and with derivatives efforts in general is

  -- Paul Wise

 [9] https://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Census
 [10] https://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Integration
 [11] http://deriv.debian.net/patches/
 [12] https://bugs.debian.org/779400

oldoldstable on DDPO

 DDPO grew the ability to also show oldoldstable (aka squeeze) versions,
 mostly for the benefit of those working on squeeze-lts. To use it, append
 &version=oldoldstable to your DDPO URL, or set it via the usual display
 configuration dialog at the bottom of the page, for example:


 The display logic is now generalized so it can also exclude the "older"
 dists, e.g. &version=testing will just show testing and later. The
 default is to show oldstable and up.

  -- Christoph Berg



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