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httpredir.debian.org, your mirrors redirector


The Debian mirrors redirector, http.debian.net, is now hosted on debian.org 
infrastructure under the name of httpredir.debian.org.

The service allows many of the nearly 400 Debian mirrors to be made 
available via a single address, adapting to your network location, IP family 
connectivity, and service availability.

Quick facts:

- 3, the number of hosts behind the service, for high availability
- 3, the number of years the redirector has been serving users
- 3, the number of times the traffic increases due to @hourly cronjobs
- 4, the number of services superseded by httpredir: geomirror.d.n, 
mirror.d.n, cdn.d.n, http.d.n
- 2, the number of years between Debian releases for the last 5 releases

Your Debian jessie one-liner:

deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian jessie main

Many thanks to companies, organisations, and individuals contributing to 
Debian by hosting Debian mirrors, to Bytemark Hosting, MIT Computer Science 
& Artificial Intelligence Lab, Hewlett-Packard, and Jörg Jaspert for 
contributing the hardware and/or hosting the redirector nodes, to the Debian 
Systems Administrators team for their time and work on a day to day basis 
and for getting the new infrastructure setup, and to Simon Paillard, Donald 
Norwood, and many other individuals who have contributed along the way!

Bug tracker: "mirrors" pseudo-package
Contact address: mirrors@debian.org

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

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