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Updating the DebConf Chairs delegation

Dear Developers,

Tássia Camões <tassia> just became a DD a few days ago. It is therefore
my pleasure to be able to update the delegation (between dashed lines,
below) and officialize her role as a DebConf Chair, together with Moray
Allan and Martín Ferrari.

The three DebConf chairs have been doing an amazing work during
DebConf'14, by organizing several sessions to discuss possible
improvements to the DebConf organization structure and processes.
This resulted into several important changes that are currently being
implemented, including clearer teams definition and membership[1,2,3].

[1] http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20141106.045736.0a558574.en.html
[2] http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20141120.033657.e295fb9a.en.html
[3] http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20141125.102351.45a2de9b.en.html

-- Lucas


DebConf Chairs delegation

I hereby appoint the following developers as DebConf Chairs:

- Moray Allan <moray>
- Martín Ferrari <tincho>
- Tássia Camões <tassia>

Any previous DebConf Chairs delegation, not explicitly listed above,
is revoked. The delegation is not time-limited. It will be
effective until further changes by present or future DPLs.

Task Description

DebConf is organized by the DebConf team (aka DebConf organization team)
which gathers members from the general Debian community and receives a
vital support from people from the location hosting the conference.
As such, the team brings together individuals who are making their first
contributions, as well as others who are long-term members of the Debian

The DebConf chairs are Debian Project delegates who act as a liaison and
a constitutional link between the DebConf team and the wider Debian
Project to ensure the success of DebConf.


 * The DebConf chairs are constitutionally responsible for the
   organization of DebConf and for the use of Debian resources (e.g.;
   money, Debian trademarks) to that end;

 * The DebConf chairs advise the DebConf team and share their experience
   of DebConf organization;

 * The DebConf chairs help the DebConf team define decision-making
   processes and a structure (such as defining sub-teams and the
   responsibilities of different roles) that suits the requirements
   of DebConf generally, and each individual edition of DebConf;

 * The DebConf chairs monitor the progress of DebConf organization and
   ensure that the defined team structure and decision-making processes
   remain functional and sufficiently efficient to ensure a successful

 * When necessary, e.g. when the DebConf team's inability to make a
   decision has an major impact on DebConf organization, or when a
   decision taken by the DebConf team is perceived by the DebConf chairs
   as creating serious risks for the organization of DebConf or for
   Debian, the DebConf chairs can override specific decisions.


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