As last year the Debian Groupware Meeting was held in the LinuxHotel, Essen, Germany[1]. This is a short summary what happened during the weekend: * We worked on getting Icedove 3 (aka Thunderbird) into shape for Squeeze by fixing the remaining RC bugs and fixing many more issues along the way. Icedove 3 entered testing recently. * After many months Iceowl-extension (aka Lightning) got back it's companion standalone Iceowl (aka Sunbird). A version compatible with Icedove 3 has been uploaded to unstable and we went through almost all of the open bugs. This version also entered testing recently. * Evolution bug squashing: We went through a great pile of Evolution bugs updating their status, requesting more information to reproduce them, forwarding them upstream and closing the fixed ones along the way. * Z-push got packaged[2] and is ready to be uploaded once the licensing issues are resolved[3] - upstream is looking into this. * We updated the "Groupware in Debian" status page [4]. For more details have a look at the wiki page[1]. Being four instead of three people at the event we gained 33% more participants over last year. We hope to see even more of you around next year. Cheers, -- Guido [1] [2];a=summary [3] [4]
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