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(Last few) bits from the 2IC

Well, it's been a busy year since AJ was elected and blind-sided me
with his offer of the delegated 2IC job. It's not all been sweetness
and light since that point, but certainly a lot has happened... :-)

So, my own summary of the last couple of months since last I wrote
about stuff. There have been a lot of announcements!

Most importantly, we managed to release Etch[1]. Not *quite* on the
schedule that we were hoping for, but definitely we managed a much
quicker cycle than for Sarge before it. At the risk of boring people
with even more repetition, I'd like to pass on my thanks to all the
people that made Etch possible - the developers, the users that
reported bugs, the translators, the various teams but especially the
release team who kept on top of things for such a long period. The new
cycle has already started, and Lenny is coming RSN!

Debconf 7 preparations are entering the final frantic phase. Attendees
should make sure to re-confirm[2] that they're coming, otherwise their
sponsored food/accommodation/travel/T-shirts (delete as appropriate)
will be dropped. I'm looking forwards to seeing many of you in
Edinburgh - it should be good fun.

The DSA team have set up a Request Tracker system[3] to help organise
various of the tasks that need work in either admin or keyring
maintenance. This should provide a welcome improvement in the
visibility of their efforts, and hopefully will also allow more of the
work to be spread out.

The Google Summer of Code student allocations have happened, and
Debian will be working with 9 students this summer on a variety of
projects[4]. Some of them may already be familiar to you, as a couple
of our existing developers are still students and are making the most
of the opportunity to be able to dedicate some full-time work to their
chosen projects. The other students have all convinced us that they
want to join in the Debian community and make some real improvements
for us. I wish the successful applicants the best of luck, and also
offer commiserations to the students that did not make the cut. We had
a very good set of applications this year, and would have gladly
accepted more if it were our decision alone.

I was asked to give a talk to the Greater London LUG last month[5],
and I was happy to go along and tell them more about Debian then join
in some cool discussions later at the nearby pub. There are a couple
more such talks planned for the next few months, and I'll continue to
blog about them as they happen.

Finally, we've also had a couple of recent votes. The first[6] gained
the support of the developers for "Altering package upload rules", and
then we had the result of the Debian Project Leader election. For the
second year running, I came second in a close decision[7] (boo!
*grin*), this time to Sam Hocevar instead of AJ. Congratulations to
Sam, and I wish him all the best for his term. And a final vote of
thanks to AJ for all his efforts in the last year - it's been great
working with him.

Time for me to sign off, I'll see you around...

[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2007/04/msg00005.html
[2] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2007/04/msg00008.html
[3] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2007/03/msg00018.html
[4] http://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2007
[5] http://blog.einval.com/2007/03/25#2007-GLLUG
[6] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2007/03/msg00017.html
[7] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2007/04/msg00004.html

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
"I suspect most samba developers are already technically insane... Of
 course, since many of them are Australians, you can't tell." -- Linus Torvalds

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