Debian Conference 1 : new dates
After some discussions with the LSM and LinuxTag people, and after a
suggestion made by Martin Michlmayr, we have decided and succeeded to
organize the Debian Conference during the following dates :
From Monday July the 2nd to Thursday July the 5th, in Bordeaux (France)
That is two days in advance compared to the previous dates, the very
same week.
Here is the reminder of the European Big Libre Week (2-8 of July 2001):
Deb Con 2-5 Bordeaux (France)
LSM 4-8 Bordeaux (France)
LinuxTag 5-8 Stuttgart (Germany)
The new dates will allow people to attend Debian Conference, LSM and/or
General Schedule of Debian Conference
Obviously, we will organize Debian specific topics (internals) first
(the first two days), and more general topics (use of Debian, or
applications built on Debian) the last two days, in order to let the
general audience of the LSM attend these presentations.
Some reference points :
Monday morning will be left in order for people to get installed in the
campus of Bordeaux I.
Monday afternoon : "Speech from the Throne"
Wednesday, end of the afternoon : the "classroom" photo.
Conferences/speeches from Bruce Perens, Christoph Lameter, Marcus Brinkman
are already planned.
Debian Junior, as suggested by Andreas Tille, have to be covered (in
relation with the more general "Libre software and education" in the
The conference is yours, so I encourage debianers to propose themes. The
deadline for the papers is the end of May.
I will regularly take stock of the planning.
----- [Site of the Libre Software Meeting (aka Rencontres
Mondiales du Logiciel Libre]
Cu in Bordeaux,
Thierry LARONDE <>
10, rue du Bel Air, 74000 ANNECY - FRANCE/ Tel : 33.(0)
/home du SDF (Site Debian Francophone) :
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